The roller coaster that is my weight continued today…. up +0.3kg to 113.5 kg! One of the thing i am finding with my current withing’s scales is also how inconsistent the body measurements are, i am finding bone, muscle, fat % figures are just wildly inaccurate day to day!
However one of things i did get back to was the Yoga! I did an hours DDP Yoga and followed that up with laying in the sauna blanket with a peloton meditation
As much as it was a Saturday i got higher than i expected on the step count! which rocked in at just under 18k and almost 9 miles.
I was also able to get some more recovery with a really good lay in
Tomorrow is a rugby day with the kids, and that’s always a pleasure!
First thing is weigh in, 115.4 kg -0.1 kg from yesterday. It’s funny with the weight being reduced, an interesting observation is that the fat mass % is increasing which is a bit weird. Given how structured and healthy i am eating AND the fact that i am adding a fair bit of activity in my life i would expect the fat mass % to be dropping. It may just be an oddity on the withings body cardio scales.
Looking at the table in Garmin the various analysis done does fell very out of wack
Today was a long day in the office, lots of doc writing and reviewing others information. But also, lots of calls and calls went on till late today.
Walking was as always positive, 32k steps and just over 16 miles walked. Although i ran into a few difficulties over the day as the belt kept drifting to the left. I need to spend some time to fix and address that.
Today was a little higher on calories than normal. Not a massive amount and i still stayed within the limits of my constraints.
But the net calories continue to be positive, with my activity helping me burn calories off throughout the day.
Tonight, after i came in, i still ended up doing both DDP Yoga and Peloton. Although DDP Yoga was just a stretch class, but still a 20 min stretch class which i need for walking, however the peloton weights class was tough. I am not 18 anymore…. that’s clear. I just cannot lift the same weights that i use too (today!), it’s going to be a journey but i will get there.
I know lifting weights is important. Lifting free weights burns calories because it is a form of resistance training, which causes muscle fibers to contract and break down. The body then needs to repair and rebuild those muscle fibers, which requires energy in the form of calories. Additionally, resistance training can increase muscle mass, which can lead to an increase in resting metabolism, meaning that the body burns more calories at rest.
I need to carry on both the free weight training and the body weight training and keep accelerating my body to burn calories!
Right, time for a shower and then bed and then the long Wednesday awaits!
After a day’s recovery i felt the need to get back on it today…. so a typical working day walking, then late night DDP Yoga, Peloton Strength class and an hour in the sauna blanket. So, I hope tomorrow will be a good day!
However, the weight for today was slightly up 115.5 kg +0.2 kg
I think i will be fine with this after the weekend, it may be a trend we need to keep track of. I didn’t do enough exercise and the weekend before my weight slightly increased also! Let’s keep an eye on this over the next few weekends!
Today was a solid walking day, almost 26k steps and 13 miles.
I don’t feel too bad after it, but i think that’s because i am consistent on the DDP Yoga to stretch me out. Although tonight i did do a 20 min strength class.
After i spent a very hot and sweaty hour in that sauna blanket!
Eating was also super balanced! and making sure i keep to the calories i need!
So still staying consistent, i thought i might have a jitter by now, but hopefully i can get through to a month’s consistency.
Firstly, let’s talk about weight as of Wednesday 4th Jan…. 118 kg that’s down 0.6 kg.
I am always cautious about weight as my weight fluctuates so much. I am talking kgs at a time. Although it’s going down i always worry about it having a spike in the next few days.
I generally try to weigh in first thing in the morning, normally straight after my morning bio break to ensure i have consistent baseline!
Withings Monthly Weight
Wednesdays for me are brutal. Like really brutal, and they have been for some time. My work functions heavily in a US focus, and thus each Wednesday typically between 9pm – 12am i end up on a series of calls after my typical working day.
Now let me be clear, i love what i do, and i love my job, and i have no issues with late-night calls. The risk with Wednesday is that i don’t find time to do my exercise routines. I generally workout around 9pm or 10pm (basically when the kids go to bed), but that goes out of the window due to the calls.
The side effect on Wednesdays is that i try and walk extra miles.
Let’s break down my Wednesday, i typically work from 9am-5pm although today i had a call with my boss that wrapped up at 18:45. Within this window I was able to just focus and walk at the same time, lots to catch up from the holiday season. I spent a little time before chatting to my boss, to do Yoga and a quick test drive on a new purchase, a MiHigh Sauna blanket. I have been spending a fair bit of time on YouTube and the web looking at Saunas and the overall health benefits from them.
I was expecting to be a hot sweaty wreck after the sauna blanket, but that certainly was NOT the case, i was warm, but not hot, i didn’t get a sweat on, and i had the blanket at the highest level. I will have to see how this progresses over the next month. My habit i want to achieve here is a 4-6 times a week in the sauna blanket. I hope that this reduces risks on a whole series of things as well as aid recovery.
I will do a deeper review on this as the month progresses to share my thoughts.
MiHigh Infrared Sauna Blanket
When i finished I went back out to chat to my boss, then have dinner, and then do a quick 10 min strength peloton class before heading back out to work.
My treadmill desk continues to be a life saver for me, it keeps me moving, while the DDP Yoga continues to keep me stretching and making sure i develop flexibility.
Today was a 28k step day and 14 miles.
Walking from Weds 4th Jan 2023
One of the hard things with walking so much is both friction on the thighs (chub rub as i lovingly call it) and blisters on the feet. I need to ensure i wear both socks and leggings when walking.
I am really happy with the consistency so far with Peloton, I ended up using the Peloton Guide and weights again. I want to see if i can continue to hit my daily streak.
Peloton Profile
My calories continued staying consistent. I dont feel rough or dizzy from what i am eating or drinking, and feeling good. My Calories today mind you was pretty low. I would say its the lowest this week (ignore the 12/31 results as i did not maintain everything i ate or drank on new years eve)
However due to all the activities today, Walking, DDP Yoga, Peloton, Sauna, my net calories were lower. Again, i don’t feel bad, i feel fine but it’s something for me to monitor and be aware off. Although myfitnesspal does not seem to capture my steps from Garmin connect to adjust.
According to Garmin connect which syncs from myfitnesspal and has all my data. I am in a calorie deficit, and that’s key for me. It’s a long way still to go.
Garmin Connect Synced Calories
Anyway, as i sit here at 01:22 on the 5th of January after my long wednesday, i think i should go to bed and chill out before my morning starts!
My son is reading/listening to a book series, Adrian Mole. It’s basically the life of a boy from the age of 13 onwards, his diary and memoirs. And one of the thing Adrian Mole seems to do is constantly measure his penis length. Clearly i won’t be doing that but i feel i should start with a regular or somewhat daily check in on weight.
118.7 kg down 1kg
Monthly Weigh Ins
One of the tools I will be using over this journey is my Withings Body Cardio Scales. I have to give a huge bit of kudos to this tool, it keeps me truly accountable as when i step on them the information is logged and updated to the cloud. Over the years i also bought the blood pressure and temp monitor.
Withings Body Cardio
Over the last two days i have tried to start as i mean to go on, little and often as a wise friend once said to me.
Eating: I have folded my intermittent fasting into myfitnesspal, i am currently still doing my 12pm-8pm. I have also kept my calorie intake in control and net calories (calories in vs out) under. Drank water vs fizzy drinks, and been mindful in what i am consuming.
One thing i intend to do with myfitnesspal is analysis of the foods i am eating over time. I am sure there will be items i need to cut or adjust.
Exercise: DDP Yoga is well underway, and two sessions done. With peloton i have done a mindfulness and strength session. I recently purchased the Peloton guide and some weights, so i have the intention to do more weight-based activities as that will have greater resistance and hopefully a higher calorie burn.
Tomorrow brings me back to the ground with a bump, I need to start my focus again on my job. My household is also either starting to also go back to work or the kids are starting to fold back into school. So life will play a big role now. The days i expect to be busy, i expect to walk, i expect to eat correctly, and the evenings around 9-10pm will likely be when i start an exercise activity. Last year i had the intention of doing some peloton cycling for lunch, but i think this year will be completely full on and that expectation may be hard to follow through on. The main thing is to keep walking and eating correctly.
I want to talk about small micro goals tomorrow, i remember in 2017 when i lost my massive weight loss, i set micro goals. And i need to really zone in on that.