One of my true joys is coaching rugby on a sunday. I am the head coach for my sons U12s rugby team. Its one of my two coaching roles i perform, the other is for his school team.
Today was a pure joy day, as my team played so well and beat a local rival. I couldnt be any prouder of my kids.

My son is the blonde one in the bottom right corner crouching down!
For the game this morning i ended up being the referee. I did my England Rugby Award and getting as much game time as i can. Lots of running around and keeping up with play.
When i got home it was weigh in time! I did 3 weigh today, 2 really close together and 1 an hour or so later after a cup of tea.
The first two weigh ins were 113.2 kg and then 113.1 kg thats a whopping 1.5 kg. The last weigh in was 113.4 kg and to ensure i did not feel like too big a drop i will take 113.4 kg as my weigh in, which is 1.2 kg down. I can live with that!

As we have been discussing over the past few days, sleep is critical, and when i reflect on my sleep from last night at just over 8hrs. Thats way better than the 3hrs i was getting.

With all the running about on sunday, i ended up with my step counting being just over 11.6k and 6.6 miles.

As the evening progressed, i ended up finishing with my DDP yoga and a bit of time in the sauna blanket!
Thats it for now, but so glad to be in the 113s , i feel i have truly met goal 1, and now focused on goal 2!