Earlier in Jan i got behind in writing, and low and behold its the 18th Feb and i am being in my writing from the 1st Feb till now….. I am going to try and have a bash at catching up with the world.
Firstly the weigh in, I left January at 113.5 kg and started Feb at 113.6 kg , urgh that’s +0.1 kg…. booooooo 🙁

But lets keep consistent and keep on going, as i said i found the end of January a little flakey with my focus, and just need to keep myself chipping away, Wednesday being wednesday means late night calls, it also means excessive walking for the whole of the day, i was just shy of 40k steps and 20 miles….. honestly by the end of the day i was truly exhausted, mentally and physically, and i knew the next few days would be truly hard.

One of the things with late night calls is the after affects, you just dont shut down, you cant be unwired! i think i always stay awake for another 2 hours after my calls. I watch a bit of TV or something just to relax…. but i know that the next morning is an early start, i need to get my daughter to school and i have an early morning call with my directs.
My net calories continue to be pretty decent at 1324 consumed! I am being good, and being focused…. but lots still to do!

Forgive me for my delays! I am going to play catch up