As we are now at the end of week 1, the first thing is to have a quick review of progress to date, and i guess assess how i am feeling, mentally, emotionally, and physically.
Firstly, on the 6th of Jan i weighed in at 117.4 kg, that was 0.4 from the 5th. However today on the 7th my weight is now 117.2 kg, that’s 0.2 from 6th.

So lets dig into the 1st week of 2023 in a little more depth.
I started this week at 119.7 kg and finishing at 117.2 kg. Thats 2.5 kg. I am not too sure how i feel about this, i am aware that its a start, and its half way to my first goal. But i think i also wont see drastic drops (1kg drops) on a regular basis. I am happy with a steady loss mind you and feel good that its going down, but i also feel nervous that it will just stop.

I also kept an eye on other metrics for the body over the week

Intermittent Fasting
I have been doing intermittent fasting (IF) for a week. I am running from 20:00 to 12:00 everyday, and to be fair this does not affect me. I am comfortable in stopping eating at 20:00 and by the time i get to 12:00 i feel ready to eat or consume a protein shake. I think the key bit is that i STOP eating, i stop grabbing snacks while watching the TV and i am able to not think about eating or nibbling. I guess the other aspect is that i am exercising in the evening so distracted.

Calories In/Out
This week i have tried to hold , i have wanted to stay under 2,187 calories per day. The majority of my calories have come from a protein shake from (Vanilla and Salted Caramel), and i have ensured i have consumed but also burnt calories also.
Below you can see my calories consumed, the only day i went over (and technically i dont think thats accurate, i just used a pre-made salad on Myfitnesspal, which i believe was much higher than what i ate).

The Net calories are critical, as that shows the adjusted amount with exercise and movement. Today was a low touch exersice day, but i have been mainly doing practical work at home, but nowhere near enough compared to the working week. I am also yet to do my DDP Yoga/Peloton today.

The consumption this week was as follows

There are 3 main intakes this week on the exercise front
- Walking – This week i have done over 115k steps and just shy of 60 miles. My left foot feels sore and a little tender. I am aware that this will impact my knees, calves, and feet. But its a critical element of me burning calories.
- DDP Yoga – I have been just getting going on Energy 2.0 and building up to the real harder workouts. But DDP Yoga was magic for me in 2017 and i hope it can do its magic again in 2023. And i will try to keep it consistent to a workout a day.
- Peloton – My new edition of my peloton guide, and weights has been helpful. I am not doing anything crazy. I am just doing 10 mins a day of some sort of strength training and trying to keep that consistency. Which i think i have.

The sauna blanket is truly kicking into its own. Firstly, i know now i need to stay in it for 45 mins +, i also know i need it on its hottest level, and by achieving this i finally get to that sweaty moment that you need in a sauna, along with breath shortness and elevated heart rates. I originally started with myself laying on the floor, but have found a home on the bed!

As you can see it gets a bit grim inside the sauna blanket, but i am hoping its doing wonders for my health and recovery.

However, my overall body battery has fluctuated all week and i need to maintain recovery to a good order! I probably need to dig into this more, but i need to keep feeling fresh to maintain.

Overall, for Week 1
This first Saturday was probably my most unbalanced feeling with food. I felt hungry today. In fact when i ate dinner, i felt like i overate, even though i came inside the calorie count. I just didn’t balance it well OR the exercise in the day keeps me busy and distracted and thus the feeling of hunger does not get to me.
Emotionally i feel better this week, i felt quite low over the Christmas period. It’s not something people will see but a feeling inside, quite hard to explain really.
Physically i feel no different at all. I am still a big boy, and the goal for next week stays the same. Keep consistent!
Things i would like to see but don’t expect, i would like to see inside the 116 kg mark, i would like to keep the calories balanced, i would like to eat more salads to keep me feeling healthy and fuller for longer! Next week starts to bring in further classes in DDP Yoga such as Fat Burner 2.0, that’s more challenging than the Energy 2.0 class i am currently taking and certainly will get me burning more. Also, i want to try and incorporate a 15 min peloton class each day also.
On to week 2 of 2023! and hopefully 116 kg and goal 1!