Weigh in for today’s post is 117.8 kg, that’s -0.2 from yesterday. Each time i weight in at the moment i am waiting for the pause in weight drop, the little and often approach to weight loss is a good thing for me, but i know there will be points where the weight will not move and will stay static for a period OR increase slightly OR a lot!

With the last statement being true, it’s important to keep in mind that measuring weight is just one factor, and there will be times when weight does not drop but other factors will show some positive change. This may well be small and incremental change but its change nonetheless.
I went and purchased a body measuring tape from amazon. Its small little device and loops around parts of the body to allow you to self-measure.

I wanted to capture all my essential measurements. Within the DDP Yoga Now app there is a way to capture and log your essential measurements. This is something i will have to revisit bi-weekly just to see how things are changing, and i expect it to be a little here and a little there, no huge changes.

My biggest issue is my waistline, i have over extended love handles, always been a problem for me. Weight seems to just develop there quickly and knocks my shape. My legs and arms have always stayed pretty slender and consistent.
The core work from DDP Yoga and hopefully the good eating will help to address some of that issue, but i still think once i am under 100 kg i will have an issue that i need to address. Not sure if that’s clinical or not but its something that i am very aware off and conscious off and always have been.
I am happy that i ticked off another DDP Yoga today, Its a 13 week program but i am adding additional items in on the rest days to keep myself stretched from the walking. And i followed this off with another strength class on the Peloton Guide.

I am also still doing a good walk each day on the treadmill desk, today was just over 20k but a solid 10 miles. I am sure every single step adds up, BUT i need to keep myself flexible. When the leg injuries and feet injuries come, and they will come from excessive walking, i need to ensure i am in a good situation for recovery.

I ended doing a 45 min sauna in the MiHigh sauna blanket. On my first attempt of the blanket i was worried that it was not effective, as i didn’t sweat. However this time with the heat at the top level and laying in it for 45 mins finally got me to that hot sweaty place! And i hope some of the benefits that come from sitting in a sauna and heating the body up.
Calories ln/Out
I am still working to a calorie controlled diet, i will need to start doing some analysis of the food i am eating at the weekend and ways i can optimize myself. The main bit is keeping under 2187 calories per day, and i only consumed 1747 today.

I think a vast amount of what i will do will stay the same, but isn’t that the point? consistency, consistency, consistency?
I keep thinking to myself if i can do this for at least 90 days and stay consistent the behaviors then the benefits will come!
Thanks for checking in!