I was back to it like normal today, work week, busy schedule and just wanted to focus on getting steps and eating in a good way.
First let’s weigh in! 114.0 kg my last weight in on the 21st was 115.6 kg, so thats – 1.6 kg. Thats good by am always aware that there is a jump up over the next few days on such a big loss.

Today is a work day, so lots of focus at my desk and walking. I did stay consistent with my steps and workouts today which was needed. I am always aware with such a loss in weight that there will be a jump back up soon.
Steps were at 11.2 miles and 22.6 k steps. But i felt tight, so needed to do a workout and stretch!

Workouts i ended up doing a 25 min DDP Yoga and a 10 min weights class.

Net calories stayed under the magic line today. And thats key that i need to be burning more calories than i am eating!

Ok i am still in catch up mode from this week, so onto Tuesday the 24th!