Ok frustrating day was yesterday, and this is “the day after”, another chance to get myself aligned and moving in the right direction. Firstly, today is a long Tuesday, firstly it’s a normal workday, and then between 7.30-9pm i have to chair a parents and teachers association. Throughout this whole day i knew i wanted to walk, so it was going to be a long day. And let me say at this very moment as i lay across the bed writing this, it really has felt it.
So firstly, what’s the scores on the doors! There was no morning constitutional today, it just didn’t happen? and i normally weigh myself at that very moment. That in my mind is my baseline….. so, i decided to jump on the scales anyway….
116.7 kg, that’s -0.8kg down from yesterday

So, am i happy with that? Yes, back on track, i guess. And just need to see how the next few days go.
The steps where really good today, 34k and just shy of 17 miles!

Calories In and Out were good again today.

And with all the extra walking and consistency on the DDP Yoga it helped today on net calories

I was asked over the last few days what DDP Yoga was and why i thought it was so good. I came across DDP Yoga at probably one of my lowest points in my life, there were two YouTube videos about it that stood out, and one of the other things that stood out was that there were no super pretty people advertising it, it was all normal and average joes promoting the positive outcomes that they had.
But these two videos set me on my way. First one was Arthur, and what an amazing inspirational story
And the second one is Jarad, and boy did i feel like i could relate
DDP Yoga is a combination of Yoga, Dynamic Resistance, Core Strength, and Pilates, but it’s always been amazing when i have been consistent with it, and that’s where i am today……

Let’s see what tomorrow brings, but Wednesdays are always brutal for me, its a long long long day, both on the treadmill and on the work front, but i need to carve out time in my day to do the work.
Thanks again, and time for a shower