A Start

A start is a start, you have to come from somewhere to finish in a race. For me my start is at the back of the queue. I am the heaviest i have ever been in life. I look back at my younger years thinking where did it go.

I use to play a lot of sports and would be the person in the gym laughing at the bigger folks.


I am 139.2kb …. That’s huge!  21.9 stone! This is the heaviest i have ever been in my life.



It all just went on over a number of years, 1kg here 1kg there, a little loss, then a lot more on.


I am feeling awful at the moment, my heart pounds, my waist hurts.
I am going to use this to document my journey. Lots of nasty photos of myself and the steps that i will use to resolve this mess i got myself into.


My biggest concern is time! will this take me years? months?


So what’s my all up goal…. 95kg or 15 stone! That’s the aim!